Terms and policies

Saviu Partners (the Investment Manager) is a Private Company Limited by Shares incorporated in Mauritius, that received both a Global Business License and a Collective Investment Scheme Manager (CIS Manager) license from the Financial Services Commission (FSC) of Mauritius.
  • Registered name: SaviuPartners
  • Registered office: 4th Floor, Ebene Skies, Rue de l’Institut, Ebene, Mauritius
  • Email address: contact@saviu.vc
  • Company number: 199873 GBC
  • Type of licence:  SEC-4.2 CIS MANAGER
Saviu Partners owns only one 100% owned subsidiary: Saviu Capital, a French Limited Liabilities Company (SAS).
  • Registered name: Saviu Capital
  • Registered office: 10 rue Rodier, 75009 Paris, France
  • Email address: contact@saviu.vc
  • Company number: 199873 GBC
  • RCS number: 917 939 050 R.C.S. Paris
  • Social capital: 1 000,00 €
  • Director of publication: Cynthia Mandjek
The content on the website – including logos, trademarks, photos and other original material – should not be reproduced without prior written consent. The site may include links to other websites as a convenience. We do not make any express or implied warranties with regard to the information, material, products, or service that are contained on or accessible through linked sites.

Web host

The Site is hosted by Webflow, whose registered office is located at 398 11th Street, 2nd Floor A 94103 San Francisco, with the following e-mail address: contact@webflow.com.

ESG Policy

We want to be both a responsible investor and a responsible company. We have established an analytical framework integrating the principles of social, environmental and governance (ESG) issues in our due diligence process. This approach is entirely consistent with our investment philosophy. We believe that the inclusion of non-financial criteria is essential to create long-term value for our investors, our interests and our partners. We encourage companies that we follow to adopt best practices.